Charlas y seminarios

Charla Fabián Vargas "Research at the SiSC Lab"

Sala de Clases (Departamento Ingeniería Eléctrica)

Sala de Clases

Departamento Ingeniería Eléctrica

Edificio Ingeniería Eléctrica

Title: "Research at the SiSC Lab: Focus on Reliability and Security of Embedded Systems for Critical Applications"


Abstract: Technology scaling, which made electronics accessible and affordable for almost everyone on the globe, has advanced IC and electronics since sixties. Nevertheless, it is well recognized that such scaling has introduced new (and major) reliability challenges to the semiconductor industry. On he other hand, it is mandatory to secure physical access to these systems by protecting them against harm that may come via network access, data/code injections and malpractice from operators (designers), whether intentional or accidental. This talk presents current research topics developed by the Systems & Signals for Computing (SiSC) Lab of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) on two directions:
-          Reliability in ICs and embedded systems, such as: techniques for performing combined test (and counteracting) ionizing radiation (Total Ionizing Dose – TID and Single Event Effects – SEEs) and non-ionizing radiation (Electromagnetic Interference – EMI), predictability issues for worst-case execution time (WCET) in multicore processor and network-on-chip (NoC), on-chip sensors for electronics aging detection in embedded systems.
-          Security in embedded systems, such as: techniques for detecting and recovering the system from “stack smashing buffer overflow” and “I/O” attacks in order to guarantee “secure code execution” and “trusted system boot”, respectively.


El Profesor Fabián Vargas es el decano del programa de postgrado de ingeniería eléctrica en la Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, PUCRS, Brasil, y Director del grupo de circuitos y sistemas para computación en la misma universidad. Recibió su diploma de ingeniero eléctrico de la PUCRS en 1988, el grado de Master en Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul en 1991, y el doctorado en microelectrónica del Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, France, en 1995. Sus intereses de investigación incluyen sensores integrados para el monitoreo de actividad en procesadores multi núcleo, diseño de sistemas embebidos confiables ante interferencia electromagnética y radiación, y herramientas CAD para el manejo de potencia y confiabilidad.